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Files must be at a 1:1 scale (printed dimensions); if scale is different, indicate the applicable percentage (10%, 50%, etc.). 
See below for detailed instructions.



To ensure accurate color printing, the document must be prepared exclusively in CMYK. 
Once the document has been set up in CMYK, ensure all additional elements (logos, images, graphics, etc.) are also in CMYK.
If color matching is required, please speak with your project manager. If color matching is not required, the panel will be printed as sent by the client.  
Note: Color matching services are at an additional cost.
See below for detailed instructions.



Preferred image resolution is 300 dpi. The minimum image resolution accepted is 150 dpi at full scale. At half-scale, the minimum is 300 dpi, etc. 
Print resolution above 300 dpi only increases file size and do not result in a higher quality product.
Review all documents at 100% zoom to ensure proper image quality. Print resolution is more than double screen resolution, so even if your design looks crisp on screen, it may not be when printed. 
All elements (logos, graphics, images, etc.) incorporated in your design, will also need to be at 300 dpi resolution. Please note ALTO™ is not responsible for any pixelation that may occur in files or the final product.

Note: 300 dpi (dots per inch) and 300 ppi (pixels per inch) are interchangeable. 
See below for detailed instructions.




Include bleed of 0.5” with crop marks offset by 0.5”.


Bleeds are extra padding around all sides of your document. It allows your image to wrap around the panel edges and gives the image extra space once the aluminum expands. We suggest adding bleeds before beginning your design. 


If graphics, images and/or background color meet the edge/trim of your page, be sure to extend these elements to the bleed. 



Include an acceptable safety margin for the size of your panel:​

  • margin size of 0.125” = panel size less than 5”

  • margin size of 0.373” = panel size greater than 5”


Decorative borders must be distanced from the panel edge by:

  • 0.375” = panel size less than 48”

  • 0.75” = panel size greater than 48”


See below for detailed instructions.



Embed all links (images, logos, graphics).
Linked images are when the design program links to the original image located on your computer. Although this decreases file size and makes editing simpler, it can cause problems when printing. When files are opened on a different computer, the design program will not be able to pull up the linked images and they will be missing. 
By embedding your images, you ensure that all your images will print and display properly.
See below for detailed instructions.



Convert all text to vector line drawings (create outlines).
Fonts must be outlined to prevent any missing or blurry text once your file is opened on a different computer for printing.


Select ALL text in the document and ensure all text is outlined.
Note: Outlining your fonts makes your text un-editable. Be sure to save an editable version for yourself and be sure not to overwrite your editable file. 
Dark text on a light background
All fonts must have a minimum size of 8 pts.
Light text on a dark background
All fonts must have a minimum size of 12 pts. In this case, we also suggest avoiding serif fonts. 
See below for detailed instructions.



Follow these instructions if you have any or all of the following:


  1. Special shape or holes: Clearly trace out the shape and place on a layer called "Die line".

  2. Studs: Clearly indicate their placement and place them on a layer called "Studs".​


Please be sure to place any die lines, holes, studs and shapes on the same page, but on different layers.



We accept high resolution PDF (preferred), PSD and JPEG.


Note: SH reserves the right to ask for native files (original program file e.g. AI, INDD, PSD).


When sending native files, please ensure that the following are included in the folder:

  • Native file

  • All fonts used in your document

  • All images placed in your document​​


Note: This is not a typical export procedure, SH uses specific settings so please carefully follow these instructions or download the Quickset PDF.*


*Download the file, double click to open and simply exit the window. This Quickset file will have been automatically added to your design program for easy export procedures.

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