The Force that through the green fuse drives the flower
Site: Dupont Station, Toronto, ON
Collaborators: James Sutherland | Toronto Transit Commission | WD-3
Photos courtesy of the artist.
To disguise a large storage area added to Dupont Station in 2021, the TTC public art program commissioned a large mural by James Sutherland. The second of Sutherland’s installations at Dupont, this mural is the thematic continuation of his 1977 glass mosaic tile mural.
“The Force that through the green fuse drives the flower” is intended to provide a context for the original mosaics, as well as the human species in the Anthropocene era. With saturated colors, imposing botanical images, and creative scaling of natural elements from the earliest periods of life on Earth, this mural is a journey through time that reminds transit riders of the importance of the natural world.